Sunday, November 9, 2008

Arapawa Goat Links

This is going to be a comprehensive list of links concerning Arapawa goats, please feel free to add your own in a comment.

Arapawa Goats and Their Friends - internet group for friends of the Arapawa goat as well as breeders, with discussion forum, pictures, videos...

Arapawa Goat Breeders USA --- breed association in US
International Arapawa Goat Association --- international breed association

Arapawa Goat news at --- information on planned cull of goats in NZ, other news
Arapawa Goats at --- information from NZ
Petition to save Arapawa goats from cull --- petition now closed
Goats by Breed-Arapawa Island --- at GOATWORLD web site, you can add links
Arapawa Goats at DMOZ --- directory which supplies Google directory and others, you may suggest Arapawa Goat websites (click 'Add URL')
Breeds of Livestock - Arapawa Island Goat --- livestock breeds directory

Directory of Arapawa Breeders in NZ --- breeders directory
Te Hua Farm in Oxford, Canterbury, New Zealand -- breeder
Jenness Farm, Nottingham, New Hampshire --- breeder, sells Arapawa goats milk soap
Insel Lyr Ranch, Daggett, Michigan, USA --- breeder
Serenity Winds Farm, Hanson, Massachusetts, USA --- breeder
SilverWings Ranch, Oregon USA --- breeder, in 2001 anyway
Fort Lewis Preservation Farm, Maine, USA --- breeder

Related Books
Natural Goat Care mentions the Arapawa goat on page 3
Raising Milk Goats Successfully general milk goat care (the Arapawa is a dual purpose breed.)
Raising Meat Goats for Profit general meat goat care
A Conservation Breeding Handbook how-to book for breeders of rare livestock


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